Saturday, March 28, 2009

So Much To Do: I Want To Go To Bed

You look around and see others being so productive. They seem to go to work, keep an immaculate home, read the latest bestseller, and still have time to go to the gym three days a week. Yet, you are overwhelmed trying to get out of bed, take a shower and get to work.

You compare yourself to others and conclude that you fall short. You must do more to measure up to what is expected! You resolve to set goals to improve your performance. You resolve to change your diet, your exercise, your use of free time...the list goes on.

Perhaps for a day or two you find that you have a burst of energy and are making progress, but then the bubble bursts. You find yourself sitting unable to muster the energy to tackle your goals. Is the problem that you are inferior to others? No!

It is important to know that you can improve and meet goals, but you must also recognize that a mood disorder makes achieving these goals more difficult. You must set smaller, more easily achieved goals. You can still aim high, but must be careful to take small steps.

As you set goals, ask yourself these questions:
  1. Is my goal achievalble in a brief period of time?
  2. Can I break this goal down into several more easily achievable goals?
  3. Does this goal make an unreasonable demand on my time, energy, or skills?
  4. Can I honestly predict a 75% chance of success for this goal?
  5. Have I set a reasonable measure for success.
  6. Can I tolerate falling short in my effort?
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